Satisfaction guarantee
Our satisfaction guarantee means that purchasing from Exonbio is risk-free. If you are not entirely satisfied with the performance of any product simply email us at They can answer any questions and, if you are still not satisfied, arrange a prompt refund or exchange* (see Returns).
Information for ordering
There is no minimum order requirement. For faster service, please provide us with the following information:
- Valid purchase order number
- Name and phone number of end user
- Billing address
- Shipping address
- Name and phone number of purchasing agent
- Catalog number and description of product
- Quantity
Charge your Exonbio purchase
Exonbio accepts US-issued Visa, Mastercard, Discover Card, and American Express for shipment in the USA.
Prices and terms
Payment terms for purchases are net 30 days in US dollars. Prices are quoted in US dollars and are subject to change without notice. All orders are subject to final acceptance by Exonbio LLC, at the prices in effect at the time of shipment.
Shipping and delivery
Orders received before 2 p.m. Pacific Standard Time Monday through Thursday will generally ship the same day. Orders received on Friday, Saturday and Sunday will generally ship Monday. We will choose the most appropriate shipping option for your order depending on your location and the shipping temperature determination of the products in your order.
Incomplete and damaged shipments
If a shipment is incomplete or damaged, please retain all shipping documents, containers, and packing materials, and notify us at as soon as possible (no later than five business days after receipt).
Our satisfaction guarantee means that if you are not entirely satisfied with the performance of an Exonbio product we will exchange or refund it. Contact us at They can answer any questions about the product. If you are still not satisfied, you can return or request for a refund from us. The exonbio team has to be notified no later than five business days after receipt.
Products ordered, shipped, or billed in error can be returned for exchange or credit.
Product use and sales conditions
Product Warranty and Satisfaction Guarantee*
Exonbio guarantees the performance of all products in the manner described in our product literature. The purchaser must determine the suitability of the product for its particular use. Should any product fail to perform satisfactorily due to any reason other than misuse, Exonbio will replace it free of charge or refund the purchase price. We reserve the right to change, alter, or modify any product to enhance its performance and design. If an Exonbio product does not meet your expectations, return it to us. We will credit your account or exchange the product as you wish.
All terms and conditions are subject to change without prior notice. If you have questions about product specifications or performance, email us at